27.05.22 — 06.06.22

Kayleigh Heydon was born in 1992, Manchester, UK. She holds a degree in Interactive Arts from Manchester School of Art and Design, with First Class Honours. Currently living and working in Melbourne/Naarm, Kayleigh’s practice in painting and sculpture usually comes to life as her response to an ever-changing physical, emotional and social landscape.

At The Above is pleased to present Kayleigh Heydon’s fourth solo show ‘Anechoic’ which sees the artist’s exploration of a narrative perforated by feelings of joy and melancholy about the state of the Australian land.

Just a week prior to stepping her foot into At The Above, Kayleigh participated in a week-long workshop in Fowlers Gap, 110km north of Broken Hill (NSW). After immersion in regenerative agriculture through the artist’s lens, a conversation began on how to shift the way the fragile landscape is managed and on raising the importance of its current state to a national issue.

Her works are never one-dimensional - a bilateral harmony of bold and muted colours, soft and sharp lines, rough and smooth edges.

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